Lead Us Charters
Lowestoft fishing trips
Angling & Workboat Charter
Email: info@leaduscharters.co.uk
Phone: 07803 270798
Fishing Charters

Fishing Charters
Lead Us Charters offer 4, 8, 10 and 12 hour fishing trips as well as coastal tours and seal watching on the famed Scroby Sands, now home to a windfarm, which enjoys a large colony of both Grey and Common seals.
Lead Us caters for all anglers from beginners to the more experienced and offers free tuition and advice on boat fishing to those wishing to maximise their catch.
With the mainstay bait of squid included in the price, other fresh baits are available to order in advance and rods, reels and end tackle are available to hire for those that have none of their own…all this and cups of tea and coffee throughout the day too!

Full Day Fishing
A full day’s fishing on Lead Us costs £60 per person which includes tackle (or you can supply your own tackle) or £550 for a full boat of up to ten people. Squid bait and drinks included!

Seal Watching
For seal watching and coastal tours please contact Colin for price and availability
About Our Trips
In the eight years in which he has been offering charter trips on Lead Us, Colin’s customers have landed cod to 16lb, Smoothound to 14lb, Thornback Ray to 13lb, Bass to 10lb and even Whiting to over 2lb amongst many other species found locally including sole, dabs and the inevitable dogfish.
Relax on the way back as Colin guts your freshly-caught fish for you to take back; if it’s sizeable you can take it home with you and if it’s not you can catch it again another day; yes, you are welcome to keep your entire catch if you so wish (within approved size limits and guidelines)
With inshore wreck fishing being relatively unproductive due to water clarity, Colin is most often anchored over the rough ground inshore feeding spots to be found of Corton, a haven from trawling which sees good numbers of Cod and Smoothound regularly coming aboard.
A spot sheltered by the cliffs from wind and the breaking up of the tidal flows and swell by the harbour at Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft Ness this allows fishing trips to be taken in all but the worst conditions and time on the mark is maximised by the proximity to the mooring with under an hour’s steaming time from the jetty.
Cod, whiting, dabs and pout are caught throughout the year, peaking from October to April when the bass, smooth hound, thornback ray and dogfish also move in through to November with the chance of a bonus sole between July and September.
The most effective baits locally are unwashed loligo squid, fresh lugworm, fresh and frozen black lugworm and both peeler and hermit crab. Cocktails of squid and worm or worm tipped with mackerel and herring increase catch rates and livebaiting with small whiting offer the chance of a specimen cod or bass.
In general 4/0 hooks are the most suitable size and fished with a running leger and flowing hook-length account for all species and grip-weights in the 6-10oz range keep baits on the bottom where most local species feed.
A Typical Day with Lead Us Charters
A typical fishing trip will see you contacting Colin by telephone the night before to ensure that weather conditions allow the trip to go ahead and to finalise travel instructions. A time you will need to arrive by is given; this is important to allow for safe travel through the Bascule Bridge and to take the maximum advantage of tides.
You will be shown aboard and given a safety briefing, shown the tackle that you will be using (if not your own) and where you will fish from once onboard before the ropes are slipped and Lead Us moves away from the mooring and Colin sets course for the outer harbour and onwards to the chosen fishing grounds.
Once anchored, advice on baiting up for the target species is given and, weather dependant, you can expect to fish for the next seven hours on a full day charter or three hours on a half-day…and if Neptune favours your attempts it can be a very busy few hours indeed!
With the anchor raised once more Lead Us motors home, the fish being cleaned and gutted for you before you head home with your day’s catch.
It is important to ensure that you bring sufficient warm and waterproof clothing for the conditions as well as food, water and something to take your fish back in.